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Hunter (Revenge & Legacy Book 1) Page 16
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Page 16
“What?” She husked clawing the floor to glance over her shoulder at me. I ought to blind her in one eye except I wouldn’t be able to look at her sad blue gaze. Disfigurement wasn’t my kink, however maiming her as punishment suited the crime.
“You let her touch you. Touch what is mine.” I roared.
She whimpered squeezing her eyes shut to murmur into the fine woolen fibers burning her cheek as I pressed harder.
Elizabeth spoke so softly I nearly missed the words filled with venom. “She showed me a kindness you never have.”
“Yes.” She sniveled.
“You think kindness is flicking your clit and making you come? You stupid, stupid little girl.” I spat at her cowering body. “Kindness is leaving you with a tongue, not for speaking, but for licking, and sucking my cock that grants you a place to live. Kindness is leaving your eyes and face intact so that you may look upon the bounty I provide you.” I snarled.
“Bounty?” She licked her lips taunting me.
“Yes, my pretty little fuck toy.” I pushed her away and stood up. “You’re lucky I let you keep your fingers. The Sheik was not so generous with your kind friend.” I tossed the box from my desk to the floor letting it roll in front of her. The severed fingers bounced out, including the one with Sadira’s ring.
“Oh my god. Sadira.” Her hands cupped her mouth and her complexion turned a shade of green.
“Yes, Elizabeth. The Sheik’s favorite wife, and yet he disciplined her when he found out about her treachery. Touching what wasn’t hers to touch and speaking out of turn about things a woman of her place should have no knowledge. Just like I’m about to do with you.”
Of course, I didn’t have to sever my wife’s fingers, that was a favor the Sheik owed me.
“Adam!” Her words choked and I leaned over her applying pressure. I could easily break her ribs but that wasn’t my goal tonight. I still needed her body whole to protect my legacy. My plan had been in motion for years, and I wasn’t going to let a little thing like weapons, money, and war create more marital discord. She owed me everything including the fruit of her loins I had yet to partake in. Maybe I was a sadist in letting her think her cunt was off the hook completely. For now, I would settle with marking her and tightening the leash on her freedom.
I pressed her flatter against the carpet. Tears leaked from under her soulful eyes. Eyes, I still managed to find love for despite what she’d done.
“Just marking my property, wife. Promise, this will hurt me more than you.” And it would. I had been careful to avoid scarring her so far, but this was more than a tattoo. It was a branding. I could live with that, in fact seeing my mark on her wetted my appetite for pain.
“What? No!” Her eyes went round and big like saucers, the azure color glowing in firelight.
“Not your face, too pretty.” I leaned close cupping her delicate cheek letting my thumb pet the soft skin as she blew air in and out in nervous puffs. I tucked her hair off her neck to the side grabbing a fistful of it securing her in place. If she struggled, she made herself bald, but that was a problem for another day. Hair would grow back and the brand would remain hidden to all, but me. Her arms and legs kicked out, but I was much too strong for her. I snapped the chain of her necklace off and tossed it across the room. Her brother was gone and nothing, not even his memory would save her from me now.
“Please, Adam. Whatever you’re doing, please don’t do this. Please, please don’t do this. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She wailed and choked on the words.
“Shush, darling. It only stings while the flesh molds to the metal. The smell is the worst part.” Her eyes wept pretty tears like diamonds. I longed to lick the salty deposits, but there would be time enough for that.
“Close your eyes. Breathe through your mouth. Less likely to vomit, I think. Can’t have you choking.”
“God, what are you doing?” Her shoulders twitched. I slapped her ass stilling her.
“Don’t move. I like my letters nice and straight. I would hate to have to do it all over again.” She froze, a deer in the headlights, and I pressed the hot poker against the back of her neck for a second. That’s all it takes for the skin to sear, burn, and blister. She howled like an animal close to death.
Who would want her anyway after I was through with her?
No one, and I preferred it that way.
I tossed the poker away when the initial hiss stopped. Burnt flesh was nothing to scoff at. Neither was over a billion dollars in missing arms and weapon caches.
Suppose I’d have to economize and take away her credit cards for a while. Might be forced to have Nelson cook in once a week now. The mere thought of him wearing an apron made me chuckle.
She stopped moving and lay moaning, muffling into the carpet on the floor. Her hands left bloodied prints from her nails cutting the palms. My nose irritated from the smell, but I kneeled closer to inspect my handiwork. I swept the hair off her neck so I could see the freshly oozing wound marking her as mine.
“I did well, choosing the iron.” Surprising myself, fingers pressed along the edges of the neat initials earning me a piercing cry.
Elizabeth didn’t speak, instead she grunted biting her lip until it swelled and blood dripped from her bite.
“Wasn’t so bad now was it?” Murmuring I trailed my hands up and down her heaving arms taking in the delicate softness that lay like a wet puddle on the floor. “Should I fuck you next with my fingers or Sadira’s?” She doesn’t answer me and I don’t expect her to, it was a cruel thing to say on purpose.
“Perhaps, I should have you checked to make sure your sweet tart cherry is still intact?” Goading her gets a response after all.
She rolled over cowering away from me.
“You’re a hideous disgusting monster.” The venom of her words spewed from torn trembling lips.
A normal person would have felt something at the insult, but not me. The thoughts came and passed quickly dismissed. I slapped her flank and positioned her up on her knees. The evening was far from finished and I released myself from my pants stroking the thick member up and down rubbing the slick wet heat from the tip to the root. I was overcome with the desire to fuck her ass and I wasn’t going to let this moment pass just because of a little flesh wound.
I kissed the crease of her shoulder and neck thrusting forward between her folds, but not penetrating her. Never penetrating her cunt. I was keeping that field fresh and unsullied from my darkness. I could plow other things to ease my frustration. The world had one Adam Huntley, and I was sane enough to realize that was an unparalleled burden.
“No, my love, I’m just a man. A very, very bad man.” I released into her feeling tight flesh mold around me and the pulsing heat soothed my beast for the time being.
Humiliation was a funny thing when you’ve been stripped bare and have nothing left. It’s the final layer? The part that glosses over every other horrible thing you’ve been dealt. When you’ve grown accustomed to it, it’s easier to deal with then the reality. I contemplated suicide once, but I knew in death no peace would come. I didn’t think I had it in me. I was self-suffering.
Adam finished pumping his cock against my body and my skin felt raw, the burn in my neck a constant reminder that I would never escape this hell. My necklace, my eight minutes of escape were lost somewhere across the room. There wouldn’t be enough Brillo pads to scrub this from my skin tonight. I listened to him spit on his hand which crept around my belly like a vice. Fingers slipped over my swollen bean and rubbed in slow circles forcing me to feel when all I desired was to be numb and far removed from the act. I hung my head low, my ass filled with cum and shame.
“Sir!” Nelson barged into the room and Adam continued pumping his hips, a finger edging at the rim of my hole where he was inside me. My stomach flutter
ed and I leaked arousal onto the tips of his fingers.
“What is it, Nelson?” Adam’s voice made the room Artic cold blasting against his man servant in a bored tone adding insult to injury while I lay prone on the floor.
Behind him I could see my dogs panting and struggling to get inside. Beau whined while Bear and Gus emitted low growls displeased with being kept from me. I mouthed to them to be good afraid that Adam might in this one instance turn on my furry babies.
“It’s the police, sir. They’ve come. Brought the FBI as well.” Nelson voiced with little emotion, but the accusation was clear. I had created this, and I would pay the consequences. I turned my head toward the door to watch, the strength gone from my body, limbs anesthetized. My mind drifted off as a casual observer. I’m pushed forward and my bruised arms beak my fall onto the carpet.
“Have they now.” Adam pulled his pants up adjusting the buckle seemingly unbothered by this trivial detail. He slipped the belt back through and tucked his shirt back in neatly going to the side bar and pouring himself another drink. That was my husband, perfectly arranged as if nothing had happened. Almost as if he’d expected them to come all along.
Taking a slow sip, he asked how many were outside.
“They are at the bottom of the drive. Six cars total.”
“Only six?” He hummed running his tongue along the edge of his top teeth. The furrowed line in his brow said he was thinking how to spin this.
Always calculating.
“And the FBI.” Nelson intoned peering between the curtains.
Adam slammed the glass down and I jolted still plastered to the floor wishing it would suck me up.
“Oh. Imagine that.” Adam turned to me squatting down. “Anything to say now, wife?” His finger tucked a lock of hair back exposing my tight tear-streaked face.
I remained stone-faced and silent. Words won’t help. I glanced in the direction of my necklace, but I don’t see it. Could I get to it? Stab him? Run away?
“Sir, how should I proceed?” Nelson did his job well. I gave him that much.
“Invite them in. I don’t have anything to hide because apparently, my traitorous wife gave away my golden goose.” His spin would be to pin this on me. If I’m lucky they’d send me to a federal prison. Maybe Danbury or maybe somewhere warm in Texas. I didn’t know where the wives of traitors ended up.
I’m fucked in more ways than one.
“It’s not what you think, Adam.” I begged him with my eyes. I didn’t know why the FBI was here. Not right now anyway. I hadn’t made contact with Agent Jackson as promised after returning from Dubai. I don’t know if it’s him or some other zealous agent attempting to arrest my husband.
A knocking at the door and shouts from the front of the house stop our stare down. Adam let out a breath and left me to answer the door.
Nelson’s eyes narrowed accusatory like I did this to myself. He was only half correct in his assumption. He tossed me a blanket from the couch and followed his master. I crawled forward snatching the blanket for cover wrapping it around me leaning back against the sofa.
I should have handed the thumb drive over as soon as we got back. I racked my mind recalling what I said and did with Sadira, but its fuzzy and unreliable. Adam tossed her digits into the fire. They burned already, incinerated like a bad dream. Even the FBI wouldn’t recover them now. The weapons would have been used in the wrong hands no matter who had them. No one had a right to them, not Adam, not the government, no one. Yet again, I’d sold my soul to the devil trying to do the right thing.
“Elizabeth!” I glanced to the doorway seeing Agent Jackson in his finest suit. I didn’t know who he was trying to impress.
“How do you know my wife?” Adam filled the doorway behind Agent Jackson scowling at me. He looked back and forth between us, eyes lasered in on me. I swallowed a reply, my neck hurt so badly. Fluid oozed down my back from the branding staining the couch. Forming words made me dizzy and sick. I let guilty tears leak from under my lashes.
“She owes me something, don’t you Elizabeth?”
I shook my head no. If this son of a bitch was going to throw me under the bus for his career, fuck him. He was a dead man anyway.
“And after I took care of that favor for you? Hmmm. Doesn’t seem like a fair trade now does it.”
“You promised.” If something happened to Bayleigh then this was all for nothing.
“What did you do, Elizabeth?” He snapped.
“Adam, please.” I begged my tormentor. I’d pledge fealty to him a thousand time over after this despite the crushing defeat I felt.
His hand extended to mine, “Oh my darling, wife.” He beckoned me to join him and my decision made.
What was the saying?
The devil you knew was better than the one you didn’t.
I pushed past the pain and struggled to stand as more officers filled the only home, I knew these past few years touching books and antiques that didn’t belong to them. Adam gave away nothing, but I sensed him cringing on the inside thinking how dare these men come into his home touching his things. I steadied my feet to look both men directly in the eyes. I craned my neck upward maintaining a regal stance as humanly possible despite the pain. I was a Queen with no lands, no crown, no power, stripped of all my dignity save for my remaining moral compass, and the dark knight I couldn’t, shouldn’t trust.
I glared at the agent and hissed, “I already told you I’m not for sale.”
Agent Jackson gritted his teeth and adjusted his skinny tie for lack of anything better to do. I couldn’t give him a thumb drive I didn’t have, or my loyalty he hadn’t earned.
Adam merely smiled.
He won this round.
Goodbye, Agent Jackson.
“You’re under arrest Adam Huntley.” Agent Dicklicker Jackson sent his men in to cuff me tearing me away from my wife. Elizabeth clung to me as if I could save her. My darling wife finally understood the predicament she put herself in. Oh, the tangled webs we weave, and to think I was the crazy fucker who masterminded this.
A glance in her direction showed me tearful eyes pleading for me to answer her. A better man would have bled out right there giving them exactly what they wanted.
Why must she make this so damn hard for me?
Because a wild thing could never be captive no matter how hard I tried.
Did she not think I wouldn’t know what she was up to the moment Agent Jackson showed up sniffing around her Chanel skirts and cultured pearls? Poor sweet deluded Elizabeth.
“What are you doing?” Elizabeth attempted to pull one of the officers off, but wrapped in a blanket didn’t give her the protection she needed. Agent Jackson gripped her shoulders pulling her back using the throw blanket like a straitjacket around her. His arms are like whip thin tentacles under his cheap wool suit jacket touching what’s mine. I stand still observing him yearn for my wife. I planned on removing his hands first for touching her, followed by his covetous eyes. He wasn’t the first man to ogle my wife and he wouldn’t be the last to die for it either.
He earned his coming disfigurement.
“What are you arresting him for?” She screeched. I bet she knew exactly what I was being arrested for, my little traitor had set this up after all.
“Darling, calm down.” I focused my gaze on her and she blinked taking deep breaths. Her pale face was peppered with hot spots on her cheeks. I was tired doing this work. My legacy came next as I retired to see this through behind the scenes. As mad as I was, I only wish I had more time to say goodbye to her.
“Adam Huntley, you are charged with conspiring against the United States of America through the illicit sale of arms to foreign entities with the intent to commit terrorism against this nation. Multiple accounts of terrorism and criminal enterprise.”
They’d have a heck of time proving the terrorism charges without involving dear old dad, but RICO was definitely a problem.
I chu
ckled. “Lofty charges. I hope you can make them stick.”
“Adam this isn’t funny.” Elizabeth froze, her doe like eyes caught in the headlights of justice. Well, my darling wife would just have to work this one out on her own in my absence.
“Your husband has kept you in the dark about his dealings, hasn’t he, Elizabeth?” Agent Jackson sneered against her neck nuzzling her hair suggestively. I’d torture him first and then kill him. Of course, Elizabeth didn’t know about the inner workings of what I did, I wasn’t an idiot to involve her when I left everything to her.
She thrashed to break free of his lecherous hold. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Can I have a moment with my wife?” I don’t ever ask for things and I knew the answer to this question already. It wasn’t as if I thought she’d plead the fifth or refuse to testify against me.
“Absolutely not.” Agent Jackson handed Elizabeth off to another agent intent on separating us. I watched her struggle. I watched her breakdown to an emotional low I hadn’t anticipated. I rarely let her see doctors unless absolutely necessary. I didn’t know if what she was doing was some kind of Stockholm bullshit, or had my pretty little sparrow finally realized I was her only chance at salvation despite the plan I set in motion.
The rookie kept his hands on her, touching her, touching what was mine forcing her to cry. I’d take his legs for that one.
“Adam.” She bucked her human restraints, but I could tell this wouldn’t end precisely as planned.
She reached me and I wanted desperately to caress her messy hair off her face one last time. My hands twitched with the need to massage her shoulders despite being held behind my back in biting cuffs. I settled for resting my forehead against hers smiling sadly. “I thought I’d let you know, I’m taking a trip my precious little bird.”
Her head was shaking no, but I was nodding yes.