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Rescue Me Page 4

  I found that we both loved BBQ and indie rock music. I offered to show her my collection of vinyl records at home over a meal of maple bourbon ribs which wasn’t a euphemism for sex in this case. My dad had been in a band for years before he died and I still had his entire collection organized by release in my study. My mother’s recipe for ribs was a closely guarded family secret I was itching to share. It was the nicest first date I could have imagined…

  “Oh my god, he’s choking.” Dana put her drink down standing up. I stood up and turned around to find a man clutching his throat and turning a shade of purple not enhanced by the lighting in the bar.

  “Dana, call 911.” I barked rushing over to the man who was already down on the floor with eyes rolling into the back of his head. Patrons cleared the floor and I went down with him.

  “Oh honey, I think I got this.” Dana pushed me out of the way and handed me her purse. It was difficult to relinquish giving orders, but this wasn’t my ER, this was Dana’s office. It was in my nature in more ways than one to take over, but watching my girl handle this changed something for me.

  “You’re the boss, Rossi.” I grabbed my phone making the call to 911 and keeping the crowd around us controlled so she could do her thing uninterrupted. The guy’s date stood helpless crying and the manager barked at folks to get back. Dana was in the zone and I thought it best to not interrupt her unless she needed something from me.

  Dana checked him over and he wasn’t breathing or responsive. He’d pretty much dropped like a lead weight to the floor giving us no time to assess. She checked his pulse next shaking her head. “Give me my mouth guard.” She shook her hand out and I fished it from her small purse handing it to her. She looped the ends over his ears and began giving rescue breaths and chest compressions lacing her fingers together. She hummed a song I couldn’t make out keeping tempo on the chest compressions and breaths.

  It didn’t surprise me how ready she was in the moment. Only a paramedic carried a mouth guard the way a cop carried his gun off duty. She was sexy as fuck working this patient over.

  “You got this baby.” I encouraged her. She didn’t need me to double check his pulse second guessing her. I trusted her. Keeping the wailing girlfriend at bay became my job. It couldn’t have been more than five minutes when a paramedic team rushed in pushing past patrons who’d been sipping beer and watching the show.

  “Shit, Dana?” One of the guys said. He vaguely looked familiar but in the ER I saw a lot of paramedics come through. Only Dana stood out for me.

  “He’s not breathing Ricky.” She kept up the compressions until the guys got in place to relieve her. Once they had him, I reached down to pull her back up into my arms.

  “You okay?” I spun her into my embrace and tilted her chin up to look in her eyes. Her pupils were dilated and her chest heaved a little out of breath. My hand slipped down to cup her cheek and my thumb casually rested against her carotid artery massaging her neck and counting her pulse. She was feeling the effects of the adrenaline rush and it was fucking hot to see her in the zone.

  Her hand reached up to grab mine and she smiled wickedly rubbing her thumb against my wrist in a counter move that made me chuff out a laugh. “Yeah, I’m good, Avari.” She heaved a sigh and rested her head against my chest. I moved her out of the guys’ way now that they had our dinner patient on a stretcher and loaded him out to the ambulance.

  I kissed her on her sweaty forehead tasting the salt and finding myself thirsty for more.



  “You did a good job.” Brandon brushed back my loose hair, now messy from the effort over a hundred chest compressions take and I swallowed back the nervousness. The drop from the adrenaline high left me shaken and insecure. This never happened while I was working. I hazarded a guess it was because I was standing next to the premier emergency cardiac specialist in Missouri and I had pretty much pushed him out of the way to administer CPR. I wasn’t sure how Brandon felt about that, most guys I knew would take it as a blow to their ego.

  “Can we get out of here?” I asked glancing around. Our meal looked cold and the drinks were likely watered down by now even though the manager offered us carte blanch for saving the guy’s life. I didn’t want to end our date but I didn’t want to hang around here where I felt the prying eyes of the patrons and random strangers thanking us for saving the man’s life. He wasn’t out of the woods yet, but I didn’t feel like getting into it. We would have done it for anyone but this wasn’t getting out the office so to speak for an actual date.

  “I’d like that. Your place or mine?” His eyes bored into my face as if he were cataloging my features, his eyes darted attempting to read me. The adrenaline high wore off leaving me ready to sink into Brandon Avari’s capable arms and the last place I wanted to do that was here at a restaurant in a less than fresh jumper and wedges.

  “I have a roommate.” Not that she was home or would even care but something about asking Dr. Brandon Avari into my personal sacred space seemed too much too soon. I probably had panties hanging from a lampshade while my closet exploded in my search to find this outfit earlier. In fact I was sure of it and decided to hold off on showing him my less than organized side he was treated to while at work.

  He nodded understanding. “Mine then.” Brandon grabbed my hand as he’d done before, except this wasn’t the emergency room and we weren’t with a patient and I wasn’t looking to pull away for a change. His hand gripping mine felt exhilarating and the usual nervous suspects seemed to fade away when he buckled me into his fancy car.

  He drove a bright blue Porsche convertible and lived in the Central West End in a two story Tudor style townhouse that made my shared studio with Elsa look like a broom closet. Brandon didn’t give me time to compare spaces because he pulled me inside the darkened house and ushered me into his master bedroom up the stairs. His hands gripped my waist bunching my jumper up in his fingers pulling it taught as his body leaned into mine forcing my legs to back up until they collided with the edge of the bed. I really regretted not wearing that dress now.

  “Is this okay, Dana?” Surprised he was still asking, I nodded my head and let my hands cup his strong jaw under my fingers feeling his barely there stubble over the angles. His head rested against mine and his arms caged me in. “Unless you have a dying urge to listen to vinyl records downstairs on separate couches I’m gonna need a verbal answer, baby. Speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  I giggled. “I want this. I want this so very much.” My brilliant commentary spurred him on and he hoisted me up and tossed me back on the bed crawling over my body. I loved his caveman growl. I loved the weight of his body pressing mine down into the bed. He wasn’t taking orders, he was about to give them and I waited eagerly. Heat seeped through his clothes as he kneeled up and ripped off his tie while unbuttoning his cuffs. His eyes remained focused on me and I helped to pull his shirt up and out of his trousers. My fingers fumbled with his belt buckle and yanked it through loops with a snapping whoosh. It was sexy as hell.

  “Careful, Ms. Rossi. I don’t know if you’re ready for that just yet.” His hand pushed me back between my breasts and I lay back on the bed cocooned in a duvet cover. His body was backlit from the bathroom glow behind him and I could see the confident smirk etched into the angles of his face.

  “Maybe I’ve been waiting too long, Avari.” Boldly I snapped the belt at him. Two could play at this game and I wanted this bad.

  His eyes narrowed, “Oh, you’re gonna get it.”

  Feeling spunky I said, “Still waiting hot shot.” I wrapped my legs around his torso pulling him in closer.

  “I feel like I should warn you.” He nipped kisses along my neck before untangling my limbs from him.

  “Warn me? Sounds ominous.” I reached behind me to untie the halter top. His hand reached behind and slowly pulled the rest down helping me wiggle out of my outfit. Note to self, pick something easier to remove before sexual activities because this wa
s torture.

  He huffed, his eyes scanning the room and then my face as he spoke in a serious tone.

  “I like a certain amount of control. I function that way at work and in my relationships.” He pulled my outfit off gripping the panties with it. Cool air covered my breasts making me shiver under his assessing glare. I watched his eyes dilate with interest.

  “Like what you see, Dr. Avari?” I arched my back letting my less than impressive breasts fill his vision.

  “I like everything I see.” His right palm cupped me and his thumb rubbed over my nipple in a circle that evoked a groan I couldn’t hold back. He must have been the devil in disguise. A do-gooder by day and sexual torturer by night. “I know when to relinquish control like earlier, but I want it back you saucy girl.” His hand moved to my other breast giving it equal attention followed by a little stinging pinch that thrilled me.

  “You can have whatever you want, just don’t stop that.”

  He leaned over me kissing my mouth chastely before whispering, “I warned you, Dana.”

  He rolled a condom down his length and used his knee to spear my legs open wider. My hands reached for his shoulders to give me something to hold onto. My stomach clenched and fluttered. I had a feeling this was going to be a bumpy ride with the heat in his eyes and the determined cut of his jaw nudging my head to side as he stole kisses along my collarbone.

  “You smell so fucking delicious.” He nipped. He licked. He rubbed his length down my center teasing. He kissed until I couldn’t silence the moans. Inwardly I cursed myself for waiting, for being shy, for not realizing we could have had this sooner. I wanted everything he could give me.

  “Give it to me hard the first time. I can’t wait.” I panted easing my hips up until my open lips kissed the heavy jut of his cock that rested at my entrance. His weight left me dizzy with anticipation and I felt more than I actually saw his smile in the dark.

  “Not until you’re begging me.” He rotated his hips canting forward so that his dick slapped my center this time. I couldn’t find my purchase to force him inside because his hand grabbed both of mine holding me down. I wasn’t panicked and the feeling of his full hard body holding me prone released a pressure inside my chest I hadn’t known I’d been holding all this time. I could let go with him and I knew he’d keep me safe.

  “That’s it. Give in Dana.” He rested his hips in the cradle of mine, his root heavy and thick pulsing against me.

  “Why does this feel so right?” I pleaded giving him a part of me I didn’t know I had tucked away, a part that screamed submissive after a hard day’s work when I floated into the ether of confusion and unfulfilled needs. How had I missed his dominant nature? It had been staring me right in the face unapologetically all this time.

  “You need this release. I’ll give it to you.” He balanced his weight on his left elbow, his left hand holding both mine overhead forcing my back to arch up into him connecting the space between our skin from chest to thighs. His right hand leaned down and picked up my right thigh opening me up to him like a night flower begging for the moon to quench my thirst for light.

  “Please, Brandon.” I begged nearly biting through my lip with desire. He thrust forward impaling me hard and I tasted the rusty evidence of my excitement. I shifted up and my fingers reached the metal railing of his headboard where he let go of my hands.

  “Hold on, beautiful.” He withdrew only to move forward again driving me deeper into the bedding. My fingers wrapped around mental, my nails biting into my palms. If I could have sunk into the floor, I would have replete and boneless on his subsequent thrusts. His dick pulsed inside me hitting a space that was reserved for the man I knew I would someday love. Somehow, maybe drunk on watered down sangria and sustained with charred brisket I knew that Brandon Avari was that man.

  I knew he couldn’t possibly feel the way I did so soon but his canting hips and groans of intelligible words into my ear lead me to believe he could get there someday too. Was it crazy to feel this much so fast? I didn’t know and I didn’t care.

  “Harder.” I cried when he went too soft dragging his flesh against me teasing.

  “More.” I begged when he slammed back in pinning me down holding me still.

  “Faster.” I keened when he made to withdraw and deny me.

  He laughed softly shaking against me. Brandon kissed my cheek chastely while he eagerly defiled other parts of me too frantic to take it all.

  “You’ll get what you get and you won’t get upset, little girl.” He taunted, grinding his jaw, and constantly keeping me on the edge never going over. My body slicked with sweat thrashed desperately begging him to let me finish. He controlled my orgasm like he controlled my breath. I greedily sucked in oxygen not disappointed.

  “Please, I’m so close. I’m right there.” Tears leaked, my hands released the headboard and fisted in the sheets. My nails cratered half-moons in my palms clutching on to my sanity and four hundred threat count sateen sheets.

  “Take it Dana. Take what I give you.” His hips rolled and my eyes followed unable to stop the onslaught of emotion that chased the physical response. Barely tethered to this world, I slipped unconscious as my orgasm ate up the light giving me satisfaction in the darkness.



  She was cute when lulled by the unexpected sub-drop. Her chest fluttered filling with air on shaky exhales. Her hard nipples pressed against my chest. Her cheeks flushed letting me feel every curve of her body now placid in the bedding and coated in cooling sweat. I rolled over taking her with me and holding her in the crook of my arms flicking the covers over us. I rubbed her back in soft slow strokes bringing her back to me.

  “Dana.” She mumbled incoherently and I didn’t want to disturb her but I needed to wrap her in warm blankets and get her some food and water for when she came to. I wondered what would happen if we ventured deeper into the lifestyle of control and pleasure I dabbled in if this was her response to barely rough sex. Spankings might be earth shattering and the thought left me curious to explore another time.

  I slipped from the bed to get what I needed to care for her properly before returning to the bedroom. I switched off the house lights I had missed on our initial entrance inside.

  I wasn’t gone more than a few minutes when I heard her snoring softly. I kneed back into the bed slipping in to cradle her from behind. “Sweetheart.” She nuzzled deeper into my arms and I rubbed her wrists checking her pulse out of habit. I inspected the curved indents of her fingers nails in the flesh of her palms to make sure no sore spots erupted from our earlier proclivities.

  “Mmm, not sure I want to wake up if this is a dream doctor.”

  “No dream, it was very, very real. You’re experiencing something called sub-drop and I need to make sure you eat and hydrate while you get back to normal.”

  “I thought you had spank me for that?” Her words slurred and I huffed.

  “It would seem I rocked your world and didn’t get the opportunity to spank you, Ms. Rossi. Next time perhaps.” I hummed against her cheek and she rubbed against me like a little kitten looking for warmth.

  “I just wanna snuggle. Can we snuggle?” She nuzzled even deeper into the bed and I hauled her up into my arms rubbing her limbs getting her blood pumping in areas other than the ones I had devoted so much attention to earlier.

  “Of course you can as soon as you consume some calories. Come on.” I placed an open bottle of water to her lips letting her drink before lifting a piece of sliced fruit to her mouth. She munched on the apple letting a drop of juice escape her lips. I licked the droplet kissing her chin.

  “Brandon.” My dick pulsed hearing my name on her kiss swollen pucker.

  “Yeah, sweetheart?”

  “Maybe I want more than a snuggle.” She said into my neck nipping me suggestively.

  “You can have whatever you want, the whole damn buffet.” I let her push me to my back mounting me. Her hands manipulated my cock to attention q
uickly gripping me tight and yanking up and down my twitching shaft. I handed her a condom which she deftly rolled over my thick cock that’s eager for her attention. She straddled me rocking back and forth before lifting up to take me again without any help from me. My hands rested behind my head enjoying the show she’s giving me with her breasts bouncing softly. Taught pink nipples point upward while her hands reached up lifting her messy hair before lowering back to my chest to give her more stability taking my dick faster now. It looked like I was more than willing to give up some of my control after all.

  “Avari.” She wailed falling forward milking my dick deep inside her. I was eager to take her bare but that was for another night.

  Tugging her under me, I resumed my position letting my hips piston toward a dizzy release.

  We didn’t get around to the spanking that night, or the morning after. We didn’t even leave the bedroom until late the next day lounging until our stomachs could take no more meager fresh fruit and snacks. We didn’t answer our phones except to responsibly check them for messages that could wait. We stayed in our safe cocoon and when the silence stretched we listened to those vinyl records staring at the ceiling holding hands sharing childhood memories that made us laugh.

  I’d tell you it was magical but that would make me sound like an asshole. Magic isn’t something a man of science buys into. What I could buy into was that Dana Rossi was the one my heart had been seeking, and having faith was something I could live with.